Frequently Asked Questions
Getting Started
Kroger is asking us to send ELD data. How do I get started?
- Sign and return both ELD and Temperature Letters to [email protected].
- Fill out the 2 min, ELD Survey -
- Fill out the 2 min, Temperature Survey
- Create an Account with One Network: If your organization does not have an account with ONE Network, create an account by visiting
- Select your preferred integration method:
- Carriers and Brokers: Carrier Integration – Kroger Transformation (
- Suppliers: Supplier Integration – Kroger Transformation (
I have registered with One Network, and I filled out the form on Kroger Transformation ( What are my next steps?
Thank you for filling out the form.
If you have selected EDI or API as your integration method:
- A member of our team will review your information, confirm your setup in the
- If you have not integrated with us in the past, you will be sent an Integration agreement to
The API/EDI team will then reach out to you to and help you complete the integration.
If you have selected ELD:
Please follow steps on the Quick Guide to ELD Tracking
If you have selected Mobile:
Please use these guides
In Scope vs Out-of-Scope
What is in Scope and what is Out of Scope?
Any Kroger or Vendor Managed shipments tendered through One Network or Itrade, whether a Kroger or Vendor Manage Lane
Out of scope for both ELD and Temp:
- Inbound to a manufacturing facility, not tendered via One Network
- Inbound to a Kroger Fulfillment Center
- Direct Store deliveries (DSD)
- Less than Truckload (LTL)
- small parcel
Out of scope for Temp Requirements:
- Ambient loads
- All produce suppliers
- All case-ready meat supplier
**Kroger defines FTL as shipments exceeding 10,000 lbs or 750 cubic feet.
Are floral shipments considered as produce?
Yes, floral shipments are considered as produce. Floral shipments are not required to send temperature data to One Network
My shipments are Out of Scope. Am I exempt from signing the ELD & Temperature letter?
Kroger is requiring all Carriers, Brokers and Suppliers to sign and return the ELD letter to Kroger ([email protected] ). If you do not ship temperature-controlled products to Kroger, you do not have to sign the Temperature letter.
What are the temperature monitoring requirements on single temp reefers & shipments that do not require bulkheads?
- If the Reefer Trailer is single temp, you are not required to send the temp of all three zones
- If the shipment does not require different temperature zones, you are not required to send the temp of all three zones
My shipments are Less Than Truckload (LTL) although we exceed 10,000 or 750 cube feet?
Kroger defines Full Truck Load (FTL) as shipments exceeding 10,000 lbs or 750 cube. If your shipments exceed this, they are considered as FTL and are not exempted.
Can an exemption be granted for local deliveries?
Exemptions will not be granted. Please refer to in Scope versus Out of Scope.
What do we do if we have capabilities to send single zone temperature but not three zone temperature?
Please send single zone temperature.
What will be the allowed temperature variance for all products, and will any products be denied?
We have not set any product temp variances or discussed deny products through this solution.
One Network Data Integration Options
What are the different options for sending Location and Temperature data to One Network?
ELD Telematics Integration – ELD Based tracking is an easy and secure way to connect your ELD units to One Network to share vehicle location data.
Carrier Mobile Application Integration – This option allows carriers to send location tracking data directly from their Mobile device.
EDI Telematics Integration – EDI is a direct system-to-system integration that would push shipment location data from your internal systems to One Network
API Telematics Integration – One Network API supports timely and frequent updates from your source system to One Network
Where can I find EDI Specifications?
- EDI 214 Spec (Transportation Carrier Shipment)
- EDI 990 (Response to a Load Tender)
- EDI 204 Spec (Motor Carrier Load Tender)
Kroger managed (pre-paid) carriers are required to send EDI 204, 214 and 990 to One Network.
Non-Kroger managed (Collect) carriers are required to send EDI 214. EDI 204 and 990 are optional.
As a supplier, do my carrier(s) send the Location and Temperature data to One Network?
Kroger does require all Suppliers, Carriers and Brokers to sign the ELD and Location letters and send back to [email protected]
Kroger and One Network do not have requirements on who sends the data. One Network can accept the data from the Supplier’s TMS or directly from their carrier(s).
Our recommendation is:
- Follow up with your carrier(s) and determine who will be sending the data.
- If your carrier(s) will be sending the data, please have them take these actions:
- Create an Account with One Network: If your organization does not have an account with ONE Network, you must first create an account with One Network by visiting:
- Select your preferred integration method: If your organization already has a ONE Network account, please make your selection below and start the process to send your ELD information: Carriers and Brokers: Carrier Integration – Kroger Transformation (
- If you as the supplier will be sending the data, please Join One Network:
And gain-
- Visibility into Shipments and real-time tracking
- Propagation of issues up stream & downstream
- Multi-party execution of all scheduling and full visibility of carrier
- Real-time location tracking and temperature data
- Ability to measure on-time, in-full
To learn more about One Network capabilities, please visit [email protected]
I use a TMS provider. Can they send the data to One Network?
Yes, your TMS provider can send data to One Network!
- Sign and return both ELD and Temperature Letters to [email protected]
- Fill out the 2 min, ELD Survey -
- Fill out the 2 min, Temperature Survey -
- Create an Account with One Network: If your organization does not have an account with ONE Network, you must first create an account with One Network by visiting:
- Select your preferred integration (You can enter your TMS providers contact information in the Technical Contract field if you want them to be included in the communication from One Network). If your organization already has a ONE Network account, please make your selection to start the process to send your ELD information: Supplier Integration – Kroger Transformation (
I am a Supplier and my Carrier(s) are sending the data to One Network. What actions do I take?
If you are the supplier and your carriers will be sending the data to One Network, please take the following actions:
- Sign and return both ELD and Temperature Letters to [email protected].
- Kroger_ELD_Letter_Final_Signed.pdf (
- Kroger_Temp_Letter_Final_Signed.pdf (
- Fill out the 2 min, ELD Survey -
- Fill out the 2 min, Temperature Survey -
- Create an Account with One Network: If your organization does not have an account with ONE Network, you must create an account by visiting-
- Join One Network: If your organization does not have an account, please join the network: and you will gain:
- Visibility into Shipments and real-time tracking
- Propagation of issues up stream & downstream
- Multi-party execution of all scheduling and full visibility of carrier
- Real-time location tracking and temperature data
- Ability to measure on-time, in-full performance
We already have an existing EDI setup with One Network. What are my next steps?
If you are already integrated with One Network via EDI data, the process is the following:
- Sign and return both ELD and Temperature Letters to [email protected].
- Fill out the 2 min, ELD Survey -
- Fill out the 2 min, Temperature Survey -
- Select your preferred integration method: Make your selection below and start the process to send your ELD information:
- Carriers and Brokers: Carrier Integration – Kroger Transformation (
- Suppliers: Supplier Integration – Kroger Transformation (
Can we setup a call to discuss? I have many questions.
We can certainly setup a call. We request you complete the following steps prior to setting up a call:
- Sign and return both ELD and Temperature Letters to [email protected].
- Fill out the 2 min, ELD Survey -
- Fill out the 2 min, Temperature Survey -
- Create an Account with One Network: If your organization does not have an account with ONE Network, you must first create an account with One Network by visiting:
- Select your preferred integration method: If your organization already has a ONE Network account, please make your selection below and start the process to send your ELD information:
- Carriers and Brokers: Carrier Integration – Kroger Transformation (
- Suppliers: Supplier Integration – Kroger Transformation (
Once these steps are completed, please reach out to [email protected] and request a call with more details and any questions you may have. This will ensure we have the right subject matter experts on the call.
What do I do if carriers do not have ELD or temperature capabilities?
For location data, you will need to be setup with an ELD provider and have ELD devices installed, and data sent to One Network.
Here is a list ELD providers to get you started: Supported Telematics Providers
We encourage you to review Kroger’s requirements for sending Location and Temperature data to ensure your shipments meet the requirements to send this data
Are there any chargebacks if failed to meet the ELD and Temperature requirements?
Though Kroger does not have a fee structure to support chargebacks at this time, Kroger is actively monitoring for ELD tracking compliance. Kroger requires all its carriers and vendors to meet the requirement of sending location data at the earliest.
Is there a cost associated with getting a One Network account and sharing our data?
As you go through the registration process to join One Network, you will be presented with terms of service which will outline the costs.
Integrating your real time Location and Temperature data via API and EDI have integration costs associated. As we process your EDI/API integration request, you will be presented with an Integration agreement which will outline the costs.
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One Network Questions
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