Services Overview
Standard Supplier User
Many Customer Service Representatives and Transportation Schedulers often deal with the issue of several manual, repetitive entries into various disparate systems, all of which are susceptible to human error.
One Network provides a Standard Supplier User, a collaborative supplier service that allows suppliers and carriers to schedule dock door appointments. Appointment scheduling is simplified by providing transparency across the scheduling and delivery execution process. Additionally, suppliers can optimize dock scheduling, enabling suppliers to schedule in real-time across a shared system between retail and carrier partners.

What do you get?
Subscribed users will have access to the One Network Platform connecting to their retail customers and carriers in real-time across a shared 3-way system. Besides the ability to schedule in real-time, users also have insight into:
- Shipment Scheduling Exceptions
- Unscheduled for Pickup, Unscheduled for Delivery, Unscheduled for Pickup (Next 2 Days), Unscheduled for Delivery (Next 2 Days), Failed Auto Scheduling for Pickup, Failed Auto Scheduling for Delivery
- Appointment Pending Confirmation.
- Real-time Delivery Execution Exceptions
- Shipped Short, Shipped Late, Received Short, Delivered Late, Predicted Pickup and Delivery Delay
- Shipment Summary and Appointment Request Summary
- Historical Analytics:
- On-Time Delivery Trend, Appointment Summary Trend, Shipment Summary
- Top and Bottom OTD Performance by Site
- Top and Bottom OTD Performance by Carriers
- Top and Bottom OTD Performance by Lane
- Problem/Issue Detection and Alerting
- Upcoming Feature with V3.8
- Enhance filters to select multiple customers at a time as per the subscription plan.
- Enhance filters to select Ship-to, Ship-from, and Site.

- Reduction in order-to-ship lead-times
- Reduction in Chargeback – Turn more loads in less time to avoid delays
- Reduction in Detention Charges – Eliminate unnecessary waiting in yards
- Optimized Hours of Service – Minimizes wait times for load/unload activities and return trips
- Increased Warehouse Efficiency – Labor is “load leveled,” reducing peak resource requirements
- Automated Data Collection – Can analyze data regularly to uncover process improvement opportunities
- Improved Inventory Turns – Optimizes the receipt of goods by scheduling delivery at days/times docks are available

OTIF Chargeback Recovery
Retail Expectations are Increasing
As the number of consumers using online options continues to rise, retailers have found themselves in intense competition for foot traffic. Retailers have upped their demands on vendors in direct response to rising competition to avoid stockouts and subsequent e-commerce replacement transactions.
As a result, retailers have tightened their delivery criteria for vendors and built-in fines for underperformance in response to growing consumer expectations of constant buying capabilities.
Non-Compliance is Costly
CPG Brands are motivated to meet their scheduled delivery dates due to OTIF fines. Kroger imposes a penalty fee for late deliveries for its vendors, charging 3% of the invoiced amount and $250 per truck.
When applied to numerous orders or large shipments, this 3% charge might result in significant expenditures for suppliers working with a retailer. A supplier penalty is $407.85 if the total selling price of the goods in non-compliant is $13,585, plus a $250 charge per truckload. These penalties can add up quickly if they are committed repeatedly.